About Us
Royal LePage Shelter Foundation
Restoring Hope. Rebuilding Lives.
A house is only a home if it's safe. That's why Royal LePage started a charitable foundation, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation, to create safer homes and safer communities. The Royal LePage Shelter Foundation is dedicated exclusively to supporting women's shelters and violence prevention programs.
Many Royal LePage agents donate a portion of their commission to the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation when they help clients buy or sell a home. Royal LePage offices also host special events, such as gala dinners and golf tournaments, to raise funds and awareness.
Our biggest initiative is the National Garage Sale for Shelter, occurring every May as part of Shelter Month. Bringing community members together with Royal LePage brokers, agents and staff. All proceeds go to supporting local women's shelters that offer safety and resources to the women and children who escape domestic violence each year.
Since the launch of the National Garage Sale for Shelter in 2009, over $2.5 million has been raised from these events alone to fund women's shelters across Canada. This much-needed funding is helping to provide a safe place for women and children to rebuild their lives after violence. Shelters use our support to provide job training initiatives, renovate and build new shelters, and cover the cost of crisis counseling and therapy for more than 30,000 women and children each year. The Royal LePage Shelter Foundation also supports programs focused on stopping the cycle of violence by educating young people on healthy relationships.
"Helping You Is What We Do® is not just a tagline, it is our corporate philosophy and it translates into a collective commitment to giving back to the community," says Phil Soper, President and Chief Executive of Royal LePage.
"The issue of violence against women and their children in Canada is significant," says Shanan Spencer-Brown, Executive Director of the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. "We are proud to work with over 200 women's shelters and local and national partners to save lives."
Since the inception of the Shelter Foundation in 1998, our agents, brokers, and staff have collectively raised more that $24 million to help stop family violence. Royal LePage is the only Canadian real estate company with it's own charity and since Royal LePage covers all the administrative costs for the Foundation, 100% of all funds raised go towards the cause.
How can you help?
To learn more about the Shelter Foundation and to make a donation to help put abuse out of commission, visit www.royallepage.ca/shelter.
To read brave stories of hope by women and children survivors of family violence, visit www.shelterfoundation.ca.